3:00 am staff meetings with God

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It all started last spring when I decided to take a leap of faith to become a certified biblical counselor. I was introduced to the program by a friend who had become a kindred spirit in 2017, when we were both going through life transitions and someone thought we should meet each other. I followed my new friend’s excitement as she completed her certification and the more I learned about the concept, the more I knew this was something I had to do myself. I attended the initial intensive and made a commitment to pursue my certification as well.

Once I began studying the curriculum, and inherently beginning a closer walk with God, I began to have what I dubbed “3:00 am staff meetings with God” once or twice a week. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with the best ideas ever? That’s what began happening to me. I would wake up, and once I was awake my mind would start thinking of so many great ways to use my new found passion. Sometimes I would get up several times to write down my ideas because I was too afraid that I would forget them by morning.

These ideas were about how I could serve women in the community and provide relief with the love that I was receiving and learning about as I learned of God’s plan for hope and peace. I was getting the business name, organizational structure, programs to be offered, everything down to marketing ideas for my ideal client. I knew without a doubt this was God-time, a divine time, just me and Him, were I would take in everything He was planning for my new adventure.

You see, two years prior to this I had been laid off from a corporate job and in the weeks following I received a strong sense from God, while showering…I hear from God a lot when I shower! I sensed Him telling me to “work for me”. I remember replying (in my mind) “I do work for you, I’m a follower of Christ”, but I sensed Him telling me “no, work for me” as in a business sense. So…I began to pursue an independent HR Consulting business with my long history as a leader in this field. I remember creating my org chart and listed God as my CFO (I could trust in him to provide all my financial needs in this new business endeavor). I listed Jesus as the CEO, the executive in charge and my personal mentor, and finally, the Holy Spirit as the COO because, of course, he would lead me in the nuts and bolts of the business operation. My mission statement was based on the scripture, Matthew 6:33 “seek first the kingdom of God…” and off I went.

Looking back on the strong desire to become a biblical counselor (and spiritual life coach with my subsequent certification) I realize now that God’s plan to “work for Him” was even deeper than I originally understood.

Over the last year, I’ve had many, many, “staff meetings” with great ideas for this coaching ministry/business and I love partnering with God to share His love and hope for the women who will cross my path.

So, if you should wake up in the middle of the night tonight, don’t be upset or too quick to try to get back to sleep. I believe God enjoys spending time with us individually in the wee hours of the night every once in a while. Don’t worry, you’ll make up the sleep tomorrow night, but take it all in tonight!

Gigi Pace

Created to Soar Christian Coaching exist to empower women to embrace their faith and live fully with peace and purpose and soar in their God-given potential.

I help women on their journey to personal and spiritual growth with Christ-centered solutions focused on the Heart, Identity, and Mind. (H.I.M.)

Together we’ll partner with God and his Word for inner healing, freedom, and direction.

In addition to one-on-one coaching, I offer workshops, tools, resources, and community for encouragement and support.


Faith is a choice