6 Ways To Capture Your Thoughts
Gigi Pace Gigi Pace

6 Ways To Capture Your Thoughts

Science reveals that God created our brains with the ability to change. With the discovery of Neuroplasticity in 1948, scientists learned that our brains can form and reorganize pathways in response to learning or experiencing life. As our experiences and understanding change, our thoughts change.

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Embers Quickly Fade
Gigi Pace Gigi Pace

Embers Quickly Fade

Sitting down to quiet time this morning, like most mornings, I didn’t have a particular thought to meditate on. But, as I lit my candle, I saw a tiny ember float up from the flame and quickly fade.

That became my inspiration today. God, you are so gracious to reveal your presence in beautifully subtle ways. I see you, Lord!

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