Embers Quickly Fade

Sitting down to quiet time this morning, like most mornings, I didn’t have a particular thought to meditate on. But, as I lit my candle, I saw a tiny ember float up from the flame and quickly fade.

That became my inspiration today. God, you are so gracious to reveal your presence in beautifully subtle ways. I see you, Lord!

You are the light, and I don’t exist apart from you.

During my quiet time, I’m filled with your love and inspiration for the day. But I tend to take off running on my own and leave you in my prayer closet. Like this floating ember, I start off bright and full of light to be shared with those around me (with the best of intentions), but without you, the source of all light, my focus, energy, confidence, passion, and commitment, may quickly fade.

So today, I read scriptures about abiding in you.

Even though you physically left this earth, you promised to abide in me through your Holy Spirit. I can choose to walk in the Spirit and let you guide me throughout the day.

Colossians 3:1-2

Since I have been raised to new life with you, Christ, I will set my thoughts on Heaven, where you sit at God’s right hand. I will think about things of Heaven and not the things of this world.

…Faith over doubt.

…Confidence over fear.

…Your power over my weakness.

…Your purpose over my pleasure.

Lead the way, Lord!

Gigi Pace

Created to Soar Christian Coaching exist to empower women to embrace their faith and live fully with peace and purpose and soar in their God-given potential.

I help women on their journey to personal and spiritual growth with Christ-centered solutions focused on the Heart, Identity, and Mind. (H.I.M.)

Together we’ll partner with God and his Word for inner healing, freedom, and direction.

In addition to one-on-one coaching, I offer workshops, tools, resources, and community for encouragement and support.


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Faith is a choice